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Purple Reign (Stress Relief)

Purple Reign (Stress Relief)


  • 1/2 head purple cabbage, rough chop
  • 1 inch ginger, rough chop into large chunks
  • 3 stalks celery, rough chop
  • 2 drops Botanica Ashwaghanda

How to Make It

Add all ingredients except tincture to a Vitamix and blend until emulsified.

Strain through a nut mylk bag into a bowl.

Add drops of tincture to the juice in the bowl.

Pour the juice from the bowl into a pop-top bottle or mason jar.

Makes 1/2 cup of juice.

  • Cabbage is full of antioxidants and cabbage juice has been shown to reduce stomach ulcers and digestion troubles. The ashwagandha has been added to this to help combat stress and feelings of anxiousness.

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