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Easy Roast Chicken

Easy Roast Chicken





Dietary Preference(s):

Gluten Free, Keto, Low Carb


  • 1 whole organic chicken
  • 1 tablespoon oil or butter
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • salt and pepper

How to Make It

Preheat oven to 400F. Start by scoring under the chicken and its drum sticks. This will help promote even cooking. Place the chicken in a frying pan just big enough to fit the chicken about 8 inches.

Drizzle the oil over the chicken and season with the salt and pepper. Sprinkle over the paprika as this will help give colour and bring out the natural flavours of the chicken.

Place the frying pan on the stove, on medium heat and cook for 10 mins. If you start to smell burning turn the heat down.

Once the chicken has been cooking for 10 mins, place in the oven and cook for another 45-60 mins. You can test for doneness by using a temperature probe and a reading of 165F. If you don't have a probe you can tell when the joints move freely and the juices run clear with no sign of blood. When cooked, remove and cover with tinfoil. Let it rest for 10 mins to allow the juices to relax. Serve with your favourite side and enjoy!

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