The Histamine Connection

Wednesday, March 8 7:00PM

Histamine is in your body. You eat it, you need it, you make it.

Histamine is vital and is everywhere in the body, but what happens when there is too much?

This class will help you understand how histamine is connected to your symptoms. If you are frustrated with trying different natural dietary or supplement approaches and not getting the desired results, then histamine could be the missing piece.

Join Luka Symons & Tracey Reed for an informative evening to help you figure out if histamine is contributing to your symptoms. Luka & Tracey are holistic nutritional consultants and are the mavens behind Histamine Haven.

They will be:

  • Sharing their own stories: symptoms they struggled with and how understanding the histamine connection enabled them to feel better.
  • Everything you need to know about histamine.
  • What happens when there is too much?
  • 3 tips to get started.
  • 3 nutrients to reach for

Plus, they will take you on a tour of the store to show you what foods you need to replace, and what foods to focus on.

Tracey Reed and Luka Symons are Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultants.  Through their uplifting and informative workshops and consultations, they share their passion for supporting individuals through chronic health concerns using the power of food within a holistic approach.

In addition to their individual practices, these two mavens are recognized as leaders in the field of nutrition across Canada.  They are presenting at the 2022 Canadian Holistic Nutrition Conference and are also busy putting together programs and supports for people struggling with histamine mediated troubles and possible mast cell activation issues.  Together, these women have created the Histamine Haven Protocol – a dietary approach steeped in science.  Their upcoming book Histamine Haven:  The complete guide to Histamine Intolerance & Mast Cell Activation Syndrome shares that science as well as  practical and delicious recipes for those struggling with histamine mediated health issues.

Important Note: Unfortunately at this time, we dont have wheelchair access to our event space upstairs (no elevator or lift - just stairs). 

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