How to Improve Fertility through diet, natural supplements & treatments

Wednesday, March 22 7:00PM

Join Dr. Alexandra Smith, Naturopathic Doctor, to discuss a pro-fertility diet and the importance of stress management and exercise to promote fertility. As well as different testing and treatment options if women are experiencing difficulties getting pregnant.

Dr. Alexandra Smith is a Naturopathic Doctor who empowers women to become the best version of themselves. Through comprehensive diagnostic testing, Dr. Smith identifies the root cause of her patient’s health concerns. With detailed treatment plans, she strives to give each patient a fresh start at life — one free of painful chronic symptoms.

Dr. Smith primarily focuses her practice on women’s health and hormones, treating conditions that range from hormonal imbalances and painful menstruation to gastrointestinal concerns. She has a robust understanding of the various diagnostic testing options for hormonal concerns as well as targeted supplements for each concern.

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