
Beyond Diet Trends: Embracing Heathy Fats for Optimal Well-being


In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, certain trends come and go, but one aspect remains constant: the importance of dietary fats. Often misunderstood and sometimes demonized, fats play a crucial role in our overall well-being.

Understanding the significance of healthy fats becomes even more critical for the winter months ahead. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve into why fats are essential during the winter months, unravel the distinctions between polyunsaturated and saturated fats, distinguish between good and bad fats, and provide practical insights into seamlessly incorporating healthy fats into a well-rounded diet.

The Importance of Fats During Winter Months

As temperatures drop and winter settles in, our bodies, much like the natural world, undergo subtle changes. The need for warmth, energy, and overall resilience becomes paramount, making the role of fats in our diet particularly significant during this season.

1. Sustained Energy Source

In the winter, our bodies work harder to maintain core temperature. Fats serve as a dense, concentrated energy source, supplying the sustained fuel needed to combat the chill. Unlike quick-burning carbohydrates, fats provide a longer-lasting and a more sustained energy reserve (1).

2. Insulation Against the Cold

Fats act as natural insulators, both for our bodies and the wildlife that thrives in colder climates. A layer of adipose tissue serves to insulate vital organs, ensuring that the body’s internal temperature remains stable throughout the winter months. While adipose tissue is critical, it’s important to note that too much may be a developing factor in insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension (2).

3. Nutrient Absorption and Storage

Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) require the presence of fats for absorption. In winter, when sunlight exposure may be limited, these vitamins become even more crucial for immune function, bone health, and overall vitality.


Polyunsaturated vs Saturated Fats

Understanding the distinctions between types of fats is essential for making informed dietary choices. The polyunsaturated versus saturated fats debate has been at the forefront of nutritional discussions, shaping dietary recommendations and influencing health outcomes.

1. Polyunsaturated Fats

Derived from plant and marine sources, polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s, found in fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties and cardiovascular benefits (3).

Omega-6 fatty acids play a role in maintaining healthy skin. They contribute to the formation of the skin’s natural barrier, helping prevent moisture loss and promoting overall skin health.

It’s important to note that while polyunsaturated fats offer numerous health benefits, achieving a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is essential. The ratio of these fats in the diet plays a role in inflammatory processes, and an imbalance may contribute to inflammation. The ideal ratio is 4:1 for (Omega 6:Omega 3). 

2. Saturated Fats

Often associated with animal products and solid at room temperature, too many saturated fats have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, recent research has challenged some of the long-standing beliefs about the negative impact of saturated fats on heart health (4).

This is a complicated topic, with many nuances and until more research is conducted, here are few tips to follow around saturated fats.

  • Find the right balance for you. As with most areas of health, this is an individualized approach and there are many factors like genetics, lifestyle, and environment that play a role in determining the right amount of saturated fat for you.
  • Less is more when it comes to foods high in saturated fat like red meat and coconut oil. You are also are more likely to consume too many calories (fat contains twice as many calories compared to protein and carbs).
  • In saying that, don’t fear red meat! Unless your doctor has advised you not to eat any, the majority of people can tolerate a few servings a week. There are so many bioavailable nutrients in red meat and other animal protein sources that can have a positive impact on your overall health.
  • High fat is not the same as Ketosis. High fat diets, especially combined with high sugar diets and the over consumption of calories (Standard American Diet), can lead to many chronic illnesses (5). While there has been research on the benefits of cycling in and out of ketosis, staying in ketosis long-term, especially for women, can have negative impacts on your health (6).

Something to think about: The ever so popular Carnivore Diet, high in saturated fats, may provide short term relief of symptoms but long-term compliance may increase your risk of serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and colon cancer (7).


Deciphering Good Fats from Bad

Not all fats are created equal, and distinguishing between good and bad fats is vital for making dietary choices that promote health and longevity.

1. Monounsaturated Fats

Found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts, monounsaturated fats have been associated with heart health and may contribute to lowering bad cholesterol levels (8).

Several studies have shown that consuming monosaturated fats can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control (9,10).

A diet high in monosaturated fats can reduce inflammation, especially in those with metabolic syndrome (11).

Furthermore, high-MUFA diets can also reduce the expression of inflammatory genes in fat tissue compared to high-saturated fat diets (12). As the saying goes, genetics load the gun, but diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors pull the trigger.

3. Omega 3’s

Omega-3 fatty acids, comprising eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are renowned for their numerous health benefits.

Omega-3 fatty acids exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, influencing various aspects of the immune system. One study found they play an important role in modulating inflammation and immune responses (13). EPA and DHA, in particular, have been shown to reduce the production of inflammatory molecules, potentially contributing to the management of chronic inflammatory conditions (14).

4. Trans Fats

Artificial trans fats, commonly found in processed and fried foods, have been unequivocally linked to adverse health effects, including increased risk of heart disease (15). As a result, many health authorities recommend minimizing trans fat intake.


Integrating Healthy Fats into a Well-Rounded Diet

Now that we’ve unraveled the intricacies of fats, the next challenge is incorporating them into a balanced diet without tipping the scale towards excess. Here’s how you can seamlessly infuse healthy fats into your daily meals

1. Cooking with Healthy Oils

Opt for cooking oils rich in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil or avocado oil. These oils not only add flavor but also provide health benefits.

2. Avocado Adoration

Avocado is a versatile and nutrient-dense source of monounsaturated fat. Spread it on toast, add it to salads, or blend it into a creamy smoothie.

3. Nuts and Seeds

Snack on a handful of almonds, walnuts, or chia seeds. These nutrient-packed options provide a satisfying crunch along with essential fatty acids.

4. Fatty Fish

Incorporate fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardines into your weekly meals. Incorporating omega-3-rich foods or supplements into the diet offers a holistic approach to health, impacting not only cardiovascular function but also immune system modulation and inflammation reduction, making them an essential component of a balanced and health-promoting diet.

5. Dairy

Incorporate low-fat or fat-free dairy options to enjoy the benefits of dairy without excess saturated fat. Greek yogurt, in particular, is a protein-packed option. You can still eat full fat dairy products as they provide fat soluble vitamins, just be mindful of how much you consume.

6. Supplements

Sometimes supplements can be a great addition to your diet, especially if you are not getting enough healthy fats from food or if you have specific needs. Some suggestions are Omega 3’s (plant or fish oil), borage oil (omega 6, GLA, and linolenic acid), sea buckthorn oil (omega 7), and any cold pressed omega 3-6-9 blend.

7. Balancing Fats

Embrace a balanced approach to fats, ensuring that your diet includes a variety of sources. Diversity not only enhances the flavor profile of your meals but also broadens the spectrum of nutrients your body receives. While healthy fats are essential, moderation remains key. Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overconsumption and maintain a well-balanced diet.

In the journey towards optimal well-being, the role of healthy fats cannot be overstated. Winter, with its unique demands on the body, emphasizes the need for a diet rich in diverse, nutrient-dense fats. From supporting energy needs to fortifying the body against the cold, fats are a cornerstone of a resilient and robust lifestyle.
















Shaw Z Coconut Butter

Shaw Z Coconut Butter

This local Calgary company takes organic dehydrated coconut and stone ground for days making it very velvety smooth with the blend of the oil and butter ,no separation I use this product in my warm oats as a healthy fat and sweetener . Only 1 gram of natural sugar per Tbsp. 9 grams of Saturated fats , no trans fat and 3 grams of fiber per Tbsp You can add this product to coffee, soups , stews and baking I have been known to grab a spoonful when I need something sweet

Marney Yip

Customer Engagement Supervisor