
Stuffed up and Fed up with Allergies?

Top 5 supplements to help you get relief

Have you noticed that allergy season seems to be getting longer and longer each year? Have you also noticed that your allergy symptoms seem to be getting more severe? If so, you are not imagining things. According to one study, allergy season in Canada is arriving around 20 days earlier than what would be expected, and pollen loads have increased by 21 percent since 1990 (1). Looking to avert the allergy catastrophe? Keep reading for tips and strategies on how you can gain better control over your allergy symptoms.


Have you noticed that allergy season seems to be getting longer and longer each year? Have you also noticed that your allergy symptoms seem to be getting more severe? If so, you are not imagining things. According to one study, allergy season in Canada is arriving around 20 days earlier than what would be expected, and pollen loads have increased by 21 percent since 1990 (1). What is the cause? Climate change and changes in weather patterns. An increase in temperatures causes an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which results in plants having longer flowering seasons. This increases the amount of pollen circulating in the air. Top that off with warm, dry, windy conditions, and you have the perfect storm for a complete allergy meltdown. Looking to avert the allergy catastrophe? Keep reading for tips and strategies on how you can gain better control over your allergy symptoms.

Here are the some of the most common seasonal allergy symptoms:

● Itchy, watery eyes
● Sinusitis
● Congestion
● Post nasal drip and runny nose
● Sneezing
● Wheezing
● Coughing
● Hives
● Fatigue

What causes the allergic response to occur in the first place?

When our immune system mistakenly perceives a harmless substance like grass pollen, as a dangerous threat, this causes our immune system to overreact and produce specific antibodies called IgE. The antibodies bind to receptor sites on certain cells that line the tissues throughout the body called Mast cells. The first exposure to an allergen usually does not usually produce symptoms, but this primes the immune system to overreact during subsequent exposures. In those subsequent exposures to allergens, the allergen binds to the IgE receptor site on the mast cell, setting off a reaction that causes the mast cell to degranulate and release chemical mediators into the surrounding tissue. Some of those mediators released that play a role in allergy response are Histamine, Tryptase, Chymase, Heparin, Leukotrienes, Cytokines and Prostaglandins. The release of these mediators such as Tryptase and Histamine can trigger inflammation, tissue damage, vasodilation, swelling (due to vascular permeability), and can increase mucus production. It is this release and the body’s response to the allergen that causes allergy symptoms.

When we take certain medications like antihistamines, or certain supplements that help with allergies, they work by stabilizing mast cells, reducing the amount of histamine, tryptase and other mediators from being released by the mast cell. This helps to minimize allergy symptoms, giving you much needed relief during allergy season. Antihistamines can have undesirable side effects, and some studies suggest that certain antihistamines can increase risk of dementia with long term use. Many people are choosing a more natural approach to alleviating allergy symptoms by incorporating supplements and making necessary diet and lifestyle changes.

Here are 5 supplements that can help you conquer your allergy symptoms this season:

Do you struggle with a runny nose, itchy watery eyes, hives and overall inflammation during allergy season? If so, Quercetin may help bring you relief. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that belongs to the flavonoid group of polyphenols. Quercetin has many actions when it comes to allergy relief. It has immunomodulating capabilities and can decrease antigen-specific IgE antibodies released from B cells, which can help lessen the allergic response (2). It works on Mast cells by stabilizing them, reducing degranulation and reducing the levels of mediators released, such as histamine, tryptase and prostaglandins. Quercetin has also been shown in animal studies to be effective at reducing the severity of allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and airway inflammation (3). Quercetin is poorly absorbed, so it is important to take Quercetin with a fat containing meal, as it will help increase its bioavailability through enhanced absorption, or choose a Quercetin supplement that has been formulated for enhanced absorption (liposomal or lipomicel formulations). If you have an allergy to citrus, or are sensitive to it, make sure to choose a citrus free Quercetin.

Black Seed oil
Also known as Black Cumin seed oil, black seed oil is derived from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant. Black seed oil is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating capabilities (4). This is due to an active compound in black seed oil called Thymoquinone. Thymoquinone reduces histamine release from mast cells and has been shown to reduce allergic airway inflammation in rodent studies (5). In one small study, black seed oil was found to be helpful in reducing allergic rhinitis symptoms such as nasal congestion, itchy nose, runny nose and sneezing attacks (6).

Vitamin C
This potent antioxidant can help to stabilize mast cells, preventing the release of histamine. Vitamin C can fight oxidative damage and reduce inflammation caused by allergies. Vitamin C may be beneficial for Allergic Rhinitis symptoms, although high doses may be needed for this effect. In one small study, high dose intravenous vitamin C (7.5 grams per day) helped to reduce respiratory and skin related allergy symptoms in participants (7). High dose vitamin C supplementation may cause diarrhea and digestive upset, so it may not be beneficial for everyone.

Stinging Nettle
This one is a unique and unusual herb for allergies. It contains histamine, yet it can help prevent histamine release from mast cells. Various flavonoids found in nettle, such as quercetin, give stinging nettle its mast cell stabilizing effect and helps to prevent the release of histamine and tryptase that trigger allergy symptoms. Stinging nettle has also been shown to inhibit Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes, which can reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins, resulting in lower levels of inflammation in the body (8). Stinging Nettle seems to be most effective for allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and can also help alleviate irritation and inflammation in the skin caused by allergens.

Thanks to their immunomodulating capabilities, probiotics can help balance the immune system by promoting a shift from Th2 to Th1 cells. Certain strains of probiotics may be helpful for preventing the allergic response from occurring, due to their ability to increase intestinal IgA responses. IgA is believed to act like a “scavenger”, binding to allergens before they have a chance to trigger the IgE response which can set off mast cells (9). Probiotics also alter the gut microbiota in a favorable way, and can increase production of butyrate in the gut. This can help decrease inflammation throughout the body (9). Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus paracasei Lp33, B. Longum BB536 and various types of Lactobacillus acidophilus strains are some of the many strains that have been recommended for taming the allergy response. Each person may require different strains for their specific health conditions, so it is better to reach out to a naturopath for guidance on which strain is best. Some strains can become pathogenic in people who are immunocompromised, especially if they have short bowel syndrome, so always proceed with caution when using probiotics. Also, if you have histamine intolerance or MCAS, proceed with caution as many strains of probiotics can increase histamine levels, which further sets off inflammation. Probiotics can be a useful tool for reducing the allergy response when specific strains are utilized.

While supplements can be very helpful for reducing allergy symptoms, it is better to take a well rounded approach that includes an anti-inflammatory diet and certain lifestyle changes that help to better support the immune system. The foods we eat and the way we think can either fuel inflammation or tame it. A pro-inflammatory diet, chronic stress and lack of sleep can worsen allergies significantly.

Try to include more of these foods in your daily diet to help reduce inflammation in the body and reduce allergy symptoms:

Antioxidant rich foods
Antioxidants help to disarm free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. Less oxidative stress and oxidative damage means less inflammation. This can help reduce allergy symptoms. Choosing foods that contain vitamin C and quercetin can help with stabilizing mast cells and can reduce the release of histamine. Fortunately, foods that are rich in quercetin are often rich in vitamin C, making it easier to include both of them in your diet. Foods that are rich in either vitamin C and/or quercetin are onions, citrus, berries, dark cherries, apples, mango, kiwi, peppers, kale, broccoli and brussel sprouts. Eat a wide variety of different types of produce to benefit from many different types of antioxidants that are found within them.

Turmeric and Ginger
This anti-inflammatory dream team can help you get inflammation under control. The active part of Turmeric called Curcumin, can help to inhibit the release of histamine from mast cells and it also can help regulate type 1 and type 2 helper T cells (Th1 and Th2), helping to reduce allergy symptoms. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory effect can help to reduce swelling and irritation in the nasal passages, potentially alleviating allergic rhinitis symptoms. Consume both as a tea, or include them as spices in your meals each day. For a more therapeutic effect, it would be more ideal to consume ginger and turmeric as an extract.

Quail Eggs
If you have access to quail eggs, include them in your daily diet to help reduce allergy symptoms. The anti-allergy effect of quail eggs was noticed by a French doctor in the early 1970’s. He noticed that local farmers who raised quail had less allergy symptoms than the general population. When he gave raw quail eggs to his patients who were struggling with allergies, he observed a reduction in their symptoms (10). Quail eggs contain a specific glycoprotein called ovomucoid. The ovomucoid in quail eggs gives it anti-allergy properties (trypsin inhibitor). Although ovomucoid from other types of eggs (hen eggs) tend to be allergenic for many people, quail eggs have a different effect. If you are struggling with allergies and have access to quail eggs, give them a try to see if they help to reduce your symptoms.

Probiotic rich foods
A healthy gut can help with balancing the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Certain probiotic strains may help to reduce the allergy response and may even prevent allergies from developing in the first place. Try consuming more yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and any other fermented foods daily to benefit from the probiotics that they naturally contain. If you have histamine intolerance or MCAS, then skip this one, as fermented foods are very high in histamine.

Omega-3 and ALA rich foods
A diet rich in ALA and Omega-3 (especially higher EPA) can help decrease allergy symptoms. A higher dietary intake of ALA has been shown to reduce allergic rhinitis symptoms and reduce the risk of allergic sensitization (11). Omega-3 generates metabolites called Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPM) that can help to reduce inflammation in the airways and throughout the body (12). Increase your intake of flaxseeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, algae oil, salmon, mackerel and sardines to bump up your daily ALA and Omega 3 intake.

Numerous other factors can influence the development and severity of allergy symptoms. Hormones, stress, environmental irritants like smoke, air pollution and genetics are some of the many factors that can contribute to allergies.

What can you do?
● Avoid high exposure to pollen. Avoid mowing the lawn on days where the weather is warm and dry, and be careful when handling moldy piles of leaves. If you have been
outside all day when the pollen count is high, change your clothes and shower when you get into the home. Figure out what you are allergic to (grass, birch..etc..) and avoid going outside when those specific allergens are high that day.
● Purify your indoor air. Invest in an air purifier that can filter out smoke, dust and other indoor air contaminants. Try to keep dust under control in the house, and address any mold situations that may be developing within the home.
● Get estrogen dominance under control. Excess estrogen can cause a lot of different health issues, but did you know that it can make your allergy symptoms worse? Excess estrogen can stimulate mast cells, causing them to dump more histamine when they degranulate. Work with your health care provider to balance your hormones and reduce estrogen levels.
● Get your stress under control. If your cortisol levels are always chronically high from stress, this will negatively alter your immune system function. Stress hormones like cortisol can trigger mast cells to degranulate and release histamine. This can cause you to be more reactive to allergens and make your allergy symptoms far more severe. Find ways to de-stress and relax. Practice stress management techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, yoga, walking or any hobby that you enjoy.

Allergies can be complex, and natural approaches may not always resolve symptoms. Conventional therapies like antihistamines may be needed, and can often be used in conjunction with natural remedies to get full control over allergy symptoms. Talk more with your health care provider about how you can get control over your allergies this season, so that you live your best life, symptom free. Remember to talk with your doctor before making changes to your diet and lifestyle, or before starting any supplements. This information provided in this article is only for educational purposes and does not replace the advice of a doctor.

Written by Jennifer Fraser C.H.N.C.


